Past Hokudai/Cast Entries

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"Journey to the Moon" by Georges Melies (Jules Verne)

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click on "Travel to the Moon" 
to listen to this post.

This week in class, some Hokuriku University first-year students (一年生) are going to begin a one-year project on 100 years: They are going to study the 20th century. First up: Exploration. We're going to the moon today. Watch this short movie based on a Jules Verne book about astronomers going to the moon.

Verne was a French writer who wrote about the future and science - space travel, the center of the earth. He died in 1905, three years after this movie was made.

Georges Melies was a French magician and early filmmaker. In fact, he created many special effects people still use today. He died in 1938. This movie was made in 1902.

Hokudai/Cast: Your fun-service podcast for learning Japanese, English, and Chinese.

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Mirai Sozo is the School of Future Learning at Hokuriku University. The primary focus is on language (English and Chinese) and management (hospital administration, sports, and business).
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