Past Hokudai/Cast Entries

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Hokudai/Cast 37: Jaws!

Today's Hokudai/Cast is fishy. We've got sharks on the brain. In our 言葉 section we learn how to talk about sharks. In our Interview section, Kana in Australia talks about sharks. And, finally, our music is by Josh from and his reggae-ish song is called, what else? Shark Attack!

Also, today's Hokudai/Cast is trilingual, including the introduction.

Hokudai/Cast 37 Contents

0:00 - 1:25 Introduction

1:25 - 3:22 Language Fun
  • 1:25 - 2:00 English
  • 2:03 - 2:40 Chinese
  • 2:40 - 3:22 Chinese & English

3:25 - 12:20 Kana's Shark Interview

12:30 - 16:15 Josh's Shark Attack

16:20 - 16:30 Contact Information

16:30 - 16:55 Ending

Next Week: Dugong! (What is a dugong? Listen next week to learn.)

Please visit our website at Hokudai/
Contact us at

And, hey, let's play it safe and not going in the ocean when sharks are playing!

Hokudai/Cast: Your fun-service podcast for learning Japanese, English, and Chinese.

About Hokudai/Cast and 北陸大学

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Mirai Sozo is the School of Future Learning at Hokuriku University. The primary focus is on language (English and Chinese) and management (hospital administration, sports, and business).
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