A new Hokudai/Cast full of make-up (化粧品), putting on make-up and Japanese, Chinese, English and interviews. Our song is a sultry blues by Robin Stine called "Daydream" which you can download at PodSafeAudio.
Hokudai/Cast 35 Contents
0 ~ 1:05 Intro
- 1:10 ~ 2:10 英語こと場
- 2:15 ~ 3:05 中国語こと場
- 3:05 ~ 4:05 中英総合こと場
- 4:15 ~ 5:35 会話 ①
- 5:40 ~ 7:00 会話 ②
- 7:05 ~ 7:55 会話 ③
- 8:00 ~ 8:45 会話 ④
8:50 ~ 12:40 Daydream by Robin Stine
12:40 ~ 13:05 Contact
Thanks for listening. We hope this was useful for you. If you have any questions or requests, you can always email us at hokudaicast@gmail.com
Hokudai/Cast: Your fun-service podcast for learning Japanese, English, and Chinese.