This is Part Two of our Zen priest interview. He explains what zen priests know that ordinary people don't know. He also explains why he chose to become a priest. Again, he speaks in Japanese and we translate it into Chinese and Japanese.
This is the end of the academic year in Japan; it runs from April to February (early February) so all the students are running off to their spring vacation jobs. Yes, Spring vacation. In February. This is called spring because they'll be coming back to school in April, which is most definitely in Spring. (Winter vacation is in late December to early January.)
So, we interviewed a bunch of students about their school and their improving English skills.
Please listen to Hokudai/Cast 17 and enjoy. And visit the Hokudai/Cast website.
Past Hokudai/Cast Entries
Friday, February 02, 2007

About Hokudai/Cast and 北陸大学
- EnglishBob
- Mirai Sozo is the School of Future Learning at Hokuriku University. The primary focus is on language (English and Chinese) and management (hospital administration, sports, and business).