Past Hokudai/Cast Entries

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hokudai/Cast 11: High School Students

After our summer vacation here at Hokuriku University, it took awhile for us to get back up and running.
However! Yes!
However, we have a great show for you all. First, students from Tatsumigaoka High School - in Kanazawa - will Thrill you! With their Great English.

Followed by a great Japanese-English-Chinese lesson.

Then we have an Interview with a Vancouver, BC area elementary school teacher (who will teach us how to say a few words in Cantonese.) All fun, all exciting. Please listen!

Run over to our Hokudai/Cast website, too, and check things out.

About Hokudai/Cast and 北陸大学

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Mirai Sozo is the School of Future Learning at Hokuriku University. The primary focus is on language (English and Chinese) and management (hospital administration, sports, and business).
View my complete profile