Past Hokudai/Cast Entries

Friday, August 04, 2006

Hokudai/Cast 9: Festivals in Japan

Jessica and I talk about two festivals in Japan, both involving fire, fireworks, and a smidge of danger. Jessica likes a festival in Wajima, Japan while I like one in Nagasaki called Shoronagashi. Here's a picture of a small float in a Shoronagashi festival in Sasebo, which, while in Nagasaki Prefecture is not Nagasaki City.

Then Jessica tells me about a famous lover's leap in the neighboring prefecture. Actually, lover's leaps tend to be for solo jumping so she calls it a famous suicide spot. With ghosts!

Check out our Hokudai/Cast website, too.

Music is by "Kubasaki Ha'i" by Lejeune from Also, various noises are from Free Sound.

About Hokudai/Cast and 北陸大学

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Mirai Sozo is the School of Future Learning at Hokuriku University. The primary focus is on language (English and Chinese) and management (hospital administration, sports, and business).
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